“There seems to me at present to be great occasion for raising a United Party for Virtue, by forming the virtuous and good men of all the nations into a regular body, to be govern’d by suitable good and wise rules, which good and wise men may probably be more unanimous in their obedience to, than common people are to common laws.”
How far have we diverged from this idea? Is our current government something Benjamin Franklin would approve of? How disappointed would he be with the modern world? How badly would he want to take over and fix every problem in the world?
The politicians of today obviously have a different mindset from the political thinkers of the 18th century. However while reading about Franklin, I began to wonder who has the interest of the general public in the forefront versus self-achievement and personal status. Then I shifted to thinking about who actually knew what they were doing and who thought out their ideas to the fullest extent. It’s not that I think all politicians of today are complete nincompoops, but there is just so much extra stuff they get caught up in - for example, becoming reelected and constantly publicizing themselves via television and Twitter. I feel like back in the 18th century, the political thinkers thought out their plans more fully because there was less for them to get caught up in. Also there was more for them to lose because the still newly settled colonies could not afford ideas that were not well developed.